
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tonight I kept it simple. It's back to basics people. And what's more basic than a hearty helping of mac and cheese?! But this isn't your standard, out-of-the-box mac and cheese. Ok, so you're gonna have to do a little work here but it's definitely worth it. The kids will LOVE it...the DH will LOVE it...you will LOVE it! Can't go wrong with this one! Thanks Pioneer Woman, you rock! Go see her. She will show you the way to dinnertime bliss!


  1. I love homemade mac n chese, I will definetly try this one!

  2. oh, man... that looks like it's made with cream. sticks to the ribs, I'm sure. :)

  3. This is the kind I eat too but the guys keep asking for the box kind!!


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