i ♥ faces: Reflection

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Leave it to me to wait until the last minute to try to get a photo to enter into this weeks photo contest at i ♥ faces. I grabbed my camera after dinner and ran outside to use what was left of the light to capture a few shots. I tried to get all 3 kids to participate but it just wasn't going to happen. Then to top it all off my computer went haywire and is saving my files upside down and sideways no matter how many times I try to correct it. Uuughh. If anyone can help me please do. I'm at a loss. Anyway, here is my sideways entry. To see more (right side up) reflection entries visit i ♥ faces.

Update: I finally got the photo right side up! Hallelujah!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. She is so sweet and what a perfect reflection. Love this shot!

  3. I think this looks great the way it is oriented. I love the natural light and her expression is priceless. Procrastination works for you! :)

  4. Love the vivid color and of course her sweet expression...nice last minute save :)

  5. You should procrastinate more often! :) She's adorable, and I love her sweet little hand on the mirror.

  6. Oh she is precious! TFS

  7. Congrats over at mamarazzi. You have really stepped up your game. Great work, love it.

    You are extremely talented.

    B Dad

  8. WOW! Such a precious photo. I love the colors and light in this photo. Glad I was able to see it right side up. Don't you just hate it when your computer takes over? :)

    I played too...come on over!

  9. Gorgeous shot. I love how excited she is!

    I Heart Faces

  10. Reflection perfection! She is a doll!

  11. This is a great photo - so cute!


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