Please Pray

Monday, May 3, 2010

We arrived on vacation on saturday afternoon only to receive a call an hour later informing us that our dear friends lost their unborn baby boy at 30 weeks gestation. His name was Jordan and we were all anxious to meet him in just 10 short weeks. God must have needed another angel in heaven b/c he was taken without warning on Saturday morning while still in his mother's womb. I can't even begin to imagine the pain that my friend is going through. I am thankful that she believes in a risen Savior who loves her more than I ever could and that she is trusting in Him to guide her though this darkest of hours. I wish I could be there with her to love and pray with her but I am praying for her here and loving on her the best way I know how. Please take a moment and visit and her blog and leave her some encouraging words. Please lift her and her family up to the Lord in prayer.


  1. Oh, my heart breaks for this family since I know about this journey they are now traveling on. I will remember to pray for them and stop by their blog.Thank you for being a sweet friend and sharing this.

  2. This just happened to my brother in law and his wife about 5 weeks ago. I'm so sorry. I will pray for them. So heartbreaking! :(

  3. Oh my, I am so sorry to hear that! Just like you said, God must have needed another angel in Heaven with him. What other explanation can you give for this terrible loss! My prayers go out to her and her family!

  4. i am so sad to hear this heartbreaking news! i will be praying for them!

  5. I am so sorry. This is heartbreaking. My prayers go out to your friends as they try to overcome this terrible loss.


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