Hey there peeps! I'm having a blog issue and can't seem to figure out what is going on so I'm gonna ask you. Do any of you see a black or blue outline around my blog header up top? I noticed this strange phenomenon several months back but got used to it and decided today that it is really aggravating me. There should not be any border lines around my header or any of the images on my blog. On my screen I am seeing a black border (or blue if I open it in internet explorer) around the title box of my header as well as around the "pathological picture taker" and "follow me" images. Do you see them? This happened out of the blue and I went on a blogger forum to find help but was not successful. Some people are saying they don't see anything...that is good. For some reason I always have them. I'm not very HTML savvy so I can't seem to figure out what might have changed. Can you do me a huge favor and leave a comment telling me if everything looks normal or if you see the blue or black borders? They aren't affecting the body of the blog, just the header and all of my links at the bottom. Please also tell whether your are viewing in explorer, firefox, safari, etc. Maybe it's just my computer. Any suggestions appreciated as well! Thanks friends!! Muah!
I see the black line. (I am using firefox) Not sure how to get rid of it though.
ReplyDeleteI don't see anything. I'm on Safari. No outlines for me.
ReplyDeleteI see it in blue on IE. Maybe it depends which version of browser one is using.
ReplyDeleteHi Hana, I'm afraid I see the line around the header and the other two boxes on the left. I wish I could help you but I don't have much experience in this stuff. Hope you get it figured out soon. It still looks wonderful though! Take care...Maura
ReplyDeleteI am using firefox and I see a black line around both things you mentioned and around the follow me button.
ReplyDeleteexplorer: blue line around title box and purple around the two small boxes under that. you're still amazing though! :)
ReplyDeleteHey I am using Safari and I am not seeing anything wrong!
ReplyDeletePS really have been enjoying your blog. I came upon it thanks to spearmint baby and i just love your work!
Jen from Ma!
I see the black line around the header...using Firefox. Dave should be able to help you, if you want it. Let me know.
ReplyDeleteI do not see any lines, on Safari. Hope this is helpful.
ReplyDeleteHi I don't see any lines know it makes me wonder but I am seeing it on safari as the other people who see it on safari that also see nothing, Now I wonder if on my blog (which is the same template as yours) appears any lines... check it out for me jaja www.spectacularbeads.blogspot.com!!! Anyways Love your work. (I'm posting using my girls blog sorry)
ReplyDeleteStay BLESSED,
I have a black line around the blog title and the two "button" images on the left ~ using Explorer.
ReplyDeleteI don't see any border on either of the header or buttons. I am using Explorer.
ReplyDeleteStrange! I wonder why it would do that?? Hmmmm...
originally i saw the blue lines around header & icons in explorer but just refreshed the page (from last night...to see people's comments) & now i don't see them.