Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

I hope you all have a magical day with your friends and family celebrating the birth of our Savior! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

And in case you haven't seen is this year's Christmas card!


  1. Love that first shot and your Christmas card is beautiful, Hana!

    I still have your Christmas card sitting here at my parents - its one of the last two I still need to address. I lost your e-mail with your address, though. I had it saved in my inbox but now it seems to have disappeared. Could you send it to me again?

  2. I love the birthday cake! What a lovely Christmas card! =)

  3. I love a great Christmas card and yours is!!!

    Sandy toe

  4. Beautiful! Love the cake & the card....Hana, I hope you & your family have a blessed and Happy New Year!!


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