Happy Spring and Photo Editing Winners

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy 1st Day of Spring (a day late)! I am loving the beautiful buds that have begun peeking out of hibernation. Slowly but surely the color is returning! I don't know about you but I'm excited for the change.

On another note, since we only had three interested commenters on the photo editing giveaway I've decided that you are each winners! Congrats to Melissa, Amanda and Alla! If you'll each select your favorite 2 images that you'd like to see edited and send them my way I'll get to work! Thanks ladies!

And just because no post is complete without eye candy, here's a beautiful blossom I captured from a tree in my backyard...I think it's some kind of Japanese tree...but I really have no clue when it comes to plants. I simply love to look at them! Happy Monday, Happy Spring!


  1. AHHH! Thank you! This has been a crazy day, so this just made it a hundred times better! I'll send over a couple pictures, soon!!

  2. Wow, thanks!!! I am super excited! I will go through my pictures tomorrow and will send them to you soon!
    P.S. How can I send them to you? is there an email address I can use?

  3. Looks like Magnolia Soulangeana. Very pretty picture!


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