Free Photo Editing: Merry Christmas from Me to You!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

As my way of saying "thank you" to my loyal followers I'd like to extend a free photo editing gift! I will be randomly selecting 10 people from the comments who will each get one free photo edit. These will be color enhancement edits and you may choose color or black & white. No major skin smoothing or major corrective editing. Results will depend on the quality of the original image but I will do my best to bring the best out of each image. Your image may be of a newborn baby, child, family, or pet...whatever image you think would benefit the most! I'll edit each one to suit my color or b&w style. All you need to do to be eligible is leave a comment below...and you must be a follower please! You can get an extra entries by sharing this post on your own blog or FB page with a link back. (one extra comment for each action). Thanks everyone. I'll choose winners this Friday 12-16 at 12 noon and post shortly thereafter.


  1. Love your pictures. Get inspired every time you post. ;) Beautiful!

  2. What a great gift - your pictures are beautiful! Merry Christmas!

  3. What a sweet Christmas gift!! I am so excited to have another opportunity for some editing fun. The first time you offered this giveaway, I read it on my phone and then forgot to enter. I was so bummed! I LOVE following your blog. I'm NEVER disappointed by your talents!! Merry Christmas!!

  4. You have such an eye for this! I love your edits :)

  5. How fun! I'd love to win this. Photoshop and I have words regularly. I just don't seem to have a knack for it.

  6. What a great gift! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!


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