The wonderful world of handmade baby and childrens goods is being threatened to extinction! The CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act) is passing a new law on February 10th that could potentially shut down all businesses that produce or sell handmade goods for children. Nothing is safe...books, clothing, furniture, blankets, toys...anything. If this law goes into effect (as currently written) you will no longer be able to commission a local carpenter to construct a piece or furniture for your baby's nursery nor will you be able to have a seamstress make a custom boutique outfit for your little tot. To read more and see how YOU can help please click on the "Save Handmade" teddy bear icon to the right ------------------------------------------------->
You can also read more about this new law at
www.modkidboutique.blogspot.com .
crazy! i emailed all the appropriate people earlier in the week when i heard. hopefully, they'll make the changes before feb. 10.