Who Me? Really?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

That's what I thought when Rene' from Cottage and Vine awarded me with the Beautiful Blogger Award!! It's the little things like this that truly make my day! Thank you so much Rene' for including me. Be sure to check out her beautiful blog as well!

Now it is my turn to pass this award on to 15 more blogs that inspire me! This is gonna be a hard decision. I read and follow many blogs that I pull inspiration from on a daily basis...design blogs, photography blogs, craft blogs, spiritual blogs. The blogging community is filled with amazing talent! I decided to choose from blogs I read as well as pull from my followers who have some pretty amazing blogs as well. Some have huge followings and some don't but all are beautiful! I hope you'll take the time to visit each one and say hello!

15 Bloggers (in random order)

Humble Pie
Dreamy Whites
Mia Joie
A Ruffled Nest
French Blue
Dear Lillie
The Barnes Yard
Amy's Vintage Cottage
Marley & Lockyer
WhisperWood Cottage
Ruffles and Stuff
The Shabby Nest
A Soft Place to Land
Restyled Home
A Mom's Devotion (my sissy)

And now I'm supposed to share 7 things you may not know about me. I actually did an entire post about this last year here. I'll try to think of some new ones.

~My favorite color is robin's egg blue and all shades around it.
~I once had super duper short blond hair! (I made that drastic change while pregnant with my 1st)
~My favorite ice cream is Cold Stone's Cake Batter mixed with cookie dough...YUMMMM!!
~I'm a nail biter and can't seem to break the habit.
~I used to be a pretty darn good orthodontic assistant before becoming a SAHM. I can't believe I used to work in people's mouths all day!
~I'm a perfectionist and am extremely competitive however I am pretty quiet and reserved.
~I'm an emotional cryer. I cry when I'm mad, sad or happy. I cry at weddings, sad movies, happy movies, when I read a sweet story, when someone says something nice about me, or something mean, you name it...I will cry. Can't help it. No flood gate can hold back the tears, ha ha!

Anyway, I hope you'll take a minute and visit each of the lovely blogs I shared here and just b/c I don't like to do a post without a picture here is one I snapped several days ago during a tender moment between my girls. Awwww, so sweet I could just cry! JK! I think I hear them fighting so I better go! Happy Wednesday!


  1. Aww, thanks! I'm always coming over here for inspiration!

  2. Thanks so much!!! I have been following your blog for a little while now and just LOVE IT! I feel honored to be in a list with some of your other favorite blogs becuase a few of them are ones I have been OBSESSED with and I can't wait to check out the ones that are new to me! My sister's and I are all addicted to Cake Batter Ice Cream from Coldstone too! I think Lillie is going to get hooked this summer too seeing how her two favorite foods right now are cake batter (I am sure most people don't consider that a food =) but I do) and ice cream.

    The picture of your girls is precious! I love all of your work! Some days I waste way too much of my morning looking through them!

  3. Hana,
    You are so darn cute! I am really honored you put me on your list of blogs!! Thank you! I will be checking out some of these blogs, as some of them are new to me.
    I love what you shared with all of us. You are a sweet person. I think we might have a lot in common, except the orthodontic assistant part, I am just there all the time because of my kids! Headed their tomorrow!
    Thanks again for listing my on your list of blogs!!!
    Take Care,

  4. Hana,
    Thank you sooo much for the beautiful blog award!! I am so excited. It is my very first award. I love visiting your blog, your pictures are beautiful! Thanks again.

  5. Thank you, Hana! I'm honored!! The photo you included is adorable! You have such a talent for capturing special moments in your photos.


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