5 Minutes

Monday, February 23, 2009

That's all it took for them to turn a perfectly clean bedroom into a complete mess! But, I couldn't get upset b/c it was just too sweet watching my two little girls (without their knowledge) play together at their picnic with all of their furry friends! Any mom knows that if you can get away for 5 minutes to fold some laundry, check email, do a little blogging, wash dishes, or (insert your task here), you are bound to find your kids doing something that makes your "to do" list a little bit longer! Lucky for me today it was just innocent fun...no permanent markers or scissors involved. Phew!

Little Lamb and Valentine Bear snacking on a strawberry poptart, kiwi, and a golden delicious apple! Yum!

Pink Piggy and her babies were invited to the picnic as well! What a sweet little family they are....and such great manners! I think pigs get a bad rap! LOL!

Also on the guest list was Mr.& Mrs.Birdie. They came along with their musical birdhouse! Hope they don't mind my girls banging on their roof all the time!

Anyway, hope you are all having a great monday. Spend some time on the floor playing with your kids! It's taken me about 15min to write this post so I'm off to see what kind of "to do" list my kids have created for me this time...I'll grab my Magic Eraser on the way!


  1. Hayden talks about you needing the Magic Eraser a lot! Looks like you had a great day!

  2. Hana, your comment made me laugh today!

    BTW-LOVE that Lil'Rocker Custom Dress below!!!!!!! Although, my little son would look a little silly in it. :)

  3. that's what my whole house looks like *sigh*

  4. I wanna come to the picnic... may I? Please

  5. Oh, the girls look like they are having a wonderful time at the picnic with furry friends. Did I mention I love their pink kitchen, Oh yahhh!! I want one!!


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