Lil Rocker Custom Dress

Friday, February 20, 2009

I've got another new listing up today! Check out this sweet little number! I love this edgy b&w fabric. Soooo hip and modern! This dress is available in sizes 12mos to 5T. I love this style of dress b/c it is so versatile and your little one will be sure to get tons of wear out of it! Great by itself in the summer or pair it with some funky leggings and a long sleeve tee in the winter! Either way you can't go wrong! What's even better is that she can wear it as a dress now and then as a top later once she's grown a bit. LOVE it!! Gotta have it? Go here. I will have matching hair accessories up soon! Hope everyone has a FAB Friday!

Update: Matching hairbows are now available here.


  1. that is such a cute lil dress. wish i had a lil girl!

  2. i wish you would show me how to make these cute dresses...

  3. La falda con todos sus complementos hacen un conjunto precioso. Tienes unos hijos muy guapos, no me extraña, teniendo una madre así. Lástima que no entienda nada de lo que escribes aquí en tu blog, pero supongo que a ti, te pasara lo mismo con lo que te escribo, a grandes rasgos, que tu blog mola. Un abrazo, y a seguir bien guapa.

  4. Hana, de gracias nada, tu te mereces eso y mucho más. Eso si tengo que reconocer que me has dejado alucinando, contestando en español. Un abrazo guapa.

  5. Hana, no me trates de usted, tuteame, lo mismo despues de todo esto surge una bonita amistad. Yo tambien tengo un hijo, visita mi blog, te invito, donde entre otras cosas, podrás ver fotos mias y de mi hijo. Un abrazo.

  6. That is too cute!! I love the fabric.

  7. wow I love the matching hair acces...

  8. i just saw halle modeling the dress and hair clips. too cute!

  9. hi hana! i will definitely be back to get one of these dresses! trying to weed through my infant wish list on etsy/ebay at the moment. :) a girl is gonna be SOO fun! -tara


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